Sunday, September 30, 2007

Need to file or defend a case in the Supreme Court ?

You can approach the SCLSC in two situations:

1.You need to file or defend a case in the Supreme Court. This would include:

Appeals/Special Leave Petitions, Civil or Criminal, against an order of the High Court.
Petition for violation or enforcement of your fundamental right. This includes:
Habeas Corpus petitions- where a close friend or relative is missing or illegally taken away and whose whereabouts you do not know
Petitions challenging the legality of government action or inaction
Petitions challenging the legality of a legislation or order of government that violates your fundamental right.
Petition for transferring a case, civil or criminal, pending in one State to another State within India.
2. You need legal advice regarding your problem.

To file a case you need to fulfill certain eligible criteria. One of them is that you need to be a woman. If the Fundamental Rights of your family are violated by an officer of the law, be it a police officer or a magistrate, then get the women of your family to bring this to the attention of this committee.

Your mom will be the best bet for being eligible for aid as most of our moms are home makers with no sources of income. They’ve raised you to be a decent human being and have sacrificed a lot for us. Tell them that it just another battle as the laws have tied your hands and have deprived you of your ability to fight back.

Like all things in India, don’t expect this to be an easy process. All the same, from what I’ve seen of the Judicial system in India, the higher echelons of the Judiciary are untainted and disciplined. I expect that you’ll get a decent shot at justice.

For obtaining legal advice, you can call at the office of the SCLSC on any working day between 10.30 a.m. and 5 p.m.. Or you could send in a query by post, for which you should receive a reply within fifteen days. If the query is sent by e-mail, you could expect a reply sooner. Again, there are no charges for legal advice.

If you have any queries, you may contact :

The Secretary

Supreme Court Legal Services Committee
109, Lawyers’ Chambers,
Supreme Court Compound,
New Delhi-110 001

Ph. Nos. 23388313, 23073970, 23381257
e-mail :


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