State sponsored 'Legal Terrorism' in action to Kill Indian Men
In India lodging a false case u/s 498-A, DV Act 2005 and 376 IPC is just like ordering a pizza. Large number of females using these legal provision as a tool to settle score with male parteners and their family members after failed marriages. The law is very stringent but is vagure, unfair and easy to misuse, In year 2006 The Supreme Court of India termed these statutory provision as "Legal Terrorism" and asked the Govt of India to amend these provisions. But the Govt of India is still sleeping and did nothing to stop these abuse.
The recent report of India's National Crime Records Bureau(NCRB) reveals 242 male and 129 female suicides a day (Report) . Though the count of male suide is almost double than female, still there is no legal remdy to deal with criminals who force men to commit suicide.
Many young married men are commiting suicide becuase of False 498-A and Domestic Violence cases filed on them by their estranged wives. There is no legal provision to deal with criminals who force men to commit suicide. When a suicide case of young man is reported to police, The police just shifts the body for post-mortem and registered a case under section 174 (Suspicious death) and They do not take any further action to bring the perpetrator of the crime to justice. Hence cases involving men suicide never reach to courtrooms. Even if somehow a case reaches in court, The courts are very reluctant to deal with men's suicide cases.
On the otherhand if a married woman commit suicide, police directly register the case u/s 498-B and 306 IPC and entire family of husband and his relatives is put behind bars ,When the case related to suicide of a married woman comes in courts, Indian evidence act section 112-B is applied and husband and his family is presumed as guilty and they have to disprove the entire case. In nutshell, There is no justice for men and they do not have a difnified life and the entire system is treating then unfairly.